Sponsor Cultura y Cambio
If you would like to buy individual tickets to our event, please visit northbayop.org/culturaycambio
NBOP is where we live out our values. Where we center the needs of people and the planet, where we deepen democracy, and build power for racial and environmental justice. We strive to be a vehicle of joy, hope, healing, reverence, and longevity. We hold up biological and cultural diversity as the way forward, but we can't do it without your help.
We're inviting organizations, individuals and businesses to contribute to NBOP's work by sponsoring our annual Cultura Y Cambio event, Saturday, June 8, 2024 at Penngrove Park in Penngrove, CA.
Your sponsorship grows resilience and grassroots power in the North Bay!
If you prefer to pay by check please send a check payable to North Bay Organizing Project to:
North Bay Organizing Project, PO Box 1928, Santa Rosa, CA 95402

If you prefer to pay by check please send a check payable to North Bay Organizing Project to:
North Bay Organizing Project, PO Box 1928, Santa Rosa, CA 95402