Board of Directors
We are a movement organization.
At NBOP, we value lived experience over the exclusivity of traditional nonprofit models. We train leaders from our community who are involved in our various task forces and initiatives toward racial, social and economic justice.

Erin Chmielewski
I’m a Petaluman at heart, raised here since 8 years of age. I have always had a desire to work with the community, whether through Girl Scouts or volunteering. In early 2017 I sought out local groups that would allow me to work with the community in an engaging way, and that led me to a “Come and See” hosted by NBOP. I was inspired by members presenting and felt I had found a place I could truly grow. During the last 5 years I have gotten the resolution It Won’t Happen Here passed in Rohnert Park, helped coordinate forums with NBOP (I moderated the SoCo Sheriffs Forum in Petaluma), worked on multiple local campaigns, and was part of putting on Petaluma’s 1st Women’s March.

Ana Horta
Vice President
I am an immigrant, a creative, bicultural, multilingual woman, and an inquisitive problem solver. For over ten years, I have worked as a program manager and director with research and non-profit organizations in Latin America and the U.S. I am experienced in data administration, communication, and program management working in a variety of projects alongside disadvantaged populations. Throughout my career, I have been honored to listen, work, and collaborate with people from different socioeconomic, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds. I enjoy bringing people together and building bridges among diverse groups by fostering trust and respect. During my free time you can find me happily running trails, dancing, spending time with my loved ones, and helping others. I first learned about NBOP's incredible work in 2013, and since then I have remained involved with it in one way or another. I feel fortunate to serve on the board of NBOP, an organization that shares my values and beliefs of working daily toward a more equitable, diverse, thriving, and peaceful world.

Kimi Barbosa
they/elle, he/él, she/ella
I have been a leader with NBOP since I was a 21 year old undergrad at Sonoma State University, and was introduced to this organization's work while organizing my campus in support of immigrant rights and later joined the housing and immigrant defense task forces. My passion for these issue areas come from my lived experience as a child of immigrants who had little access to basic needs. Over the years, I worked my way through undergraduate and graduate school and still made sure to contribute my time and effort to NBOP actions such as canvassing, workshops, townhalls, and more, because I care about the work and see its impact in our community. I have held professional roles in nonprofits for over a decade and I am now proud to serve as an executive nonprofit leader. I am excited to use my professional and lived experience at NBOP to help contribute to this thriving organization that has been such a significant part of my life in Sonoma County.

Abi Huff
Board Member
Abi’s work and life is infused with the desire to see our communities thriving and our planet healthy. Abi believes there is much work to do as we direct our energies towards a Just Transition and bright future for all. Accessibility to resources is an imperative piece to building a stable foundation on which our communities can thrive. Abi is dedicated to the rising of future generations and movement towards a regenerative economy which holds our planet and all life sacred. This life affirming vision is the weaving of all of our movements and collective work which aim to create the shifts we wish to see. Currently, Abi utilizes her spectrum of experience, cosmology, and deep commitment to the unseen generations to come in her work with the Center for Ethical Land Transition.

Rev. Benjamin Broadbent
Board Member
Having grown up in Santa Cruz, Benjamin moved back to California from Colorado Springs where he served as a pastor for 17 years. Now Benjamin serves as Lead Minister of the Community Church of Sebastopol ( and enjoys being a part of intergenerational communities, especially when there’s dancing involved. Benjamin is nourished by intellectual conversations, especially about theology, and through direct action on behalf of workers, reproductive rights, and the LGBTQ community. Benjamin has been writing poetry some of which can be found on his blog: